Study of Building Plan Management System (BPMS) Maharashtra User Manual of 16 August 2017 | Only for Explanation

When surfing the web for the Civil Engineering Licence tips, I encountered BPMS. As per my understanding, it is a more organised way of building project approvals. The best part is, it is electronic in nature. You can visit the BPMS portal. [ Jump to Main Content. ]

User Manual (BPMS) summary

They have the User Manual which explains everything. It features the following details:

  • New Registration for Urban Local Body (ULB)
  • Project creation
  • Proposal Submission
  • Plinth Certificate guidelines
  • Part Occupancy Certificate guide
  • The Full Occupancy Certificate process
  • Workflow for the Assistant Town Planners (ATP)
  • Chief Officer's Workflow
  • Pre-Approval and Post-Approval Payments
  • Receipts and Documentation Management
  • Printable Certificates

Note that, in this post, I am speaking about the BPMS User Manual only. You can find the related links in the Additional Resources section, at bottom of this post. The content of the TP Client User Manual may or may not be studied/included here.

Why write this post?

In the User Manual (UM), Some crucial details about the Documentation Workflow are presented as Screenshots. As you can guess, the image objects in a DOCX or PDF file object, are generally compressed. In fact, even the snipping tool or the screenshot apps might affect the image quality.

The result? Blur Images. Thus, I will try to guess the content of the image objects. And list them here, to give you a better idea of the requirements in Documentation. Since TP Client takes care of the Building Project Drawings, only the Non-Drawing Details (e.g. FSI) will be enlisted in this post.

[ Main Content ] Details of Data to be entered at BPMS Portal

The basic information is associated with your Aadhaar Card, Company Details and Qualification as you can guess.

You select the Municipal Corporation or ULB you need the Licence / Permission / Certificate for.

Once you have the approval and print the post-approval certificate, you can add the Building Details. The images contain various items as Questions. Some of them are Yes-No (Y/N) type, others require your inputs.

Building Permission Step 1 Tab

In this tab, you present the Legal Owner's details and furnish the Owner KYC. The document is titled 'Appendix A-1 Form for construction of building or layout of building/group housing'. It is an application for development work permission. This comes from the following Acts and Regulations.

  • Section 44 / 58 of The Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
  • read with Section 189 of the Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial Townships Act, 1965.

It's a formal request letter, addressed to the Chief Officer of your ULB. Like, XYZ Municipal Council. The following detail fields must be filled.

  • Owner Name
  • Plot Number
  • Town Revenue S. Number
  • City Survey Number
  • Mauje
  • Road / Street
  • Society / Colony
  • Name of Architect, with her / his License or Certificate Number

Required Document Attachments

Following documents or statements can be attached as per the Project requirements, or the regional norms.

  1. Key Plan or Location Plan.
  2. Site Plan of the area proposed for the development (in quadruplicate / 4 copies).
  3. Detailed Building Plan. It should show the Plan, the Section and the Elevation(s) of the desired construction work. Again, there should be 4 copies of the same.
  4. Particulars of development in Form enclosed. This is to be submitted when the construction involves more than a single building. ( This is Appendix A Item 4. More information in the next heading below.)
  5. An extract of the
    1. Records of Rights,
    2. property register card OR any other verifiable proof of ownership,
    3. Consent of Co-Owners, where Third-party Interest exists.
  6. Attested Copy of Scrutiny Fees Receipt.
  7. Latest Receipt of the Property Tax Payment.
  8. No Objection Certificate (NOC) if required.

You can add more documents or statements using the 'ADD' option. Not all items might be necessary, depending on your ULB or region, or the nature of the Building Project. Ask around to the experienced people for greater clarity.

Anyway, you add Aadhaar Card, Phone and Email details. Using OTP, the same is verified.

A printable document becomes available. It has two places. Like the usual contract, Licensed Surveyor or Architect signs in one place. Owner signs the other. With date. And the address(es).

The Step 2 | Building Details

The Steps from 2 to 5/6 are the questions we mentioned earlier. These screenshots had an unclear text. It is readable, but for a better experience, I have guessed them as the list below.

Document Title is 'Form giving particulars of Development [ Part of Appendix A Item 4 ].'

1.a.i) Full Name of Applicant.

1.a.ii) Address of Applicant.

1.a.iii) email-ID.

1.a.iv) Mobile Number.

1.b.i) Name and Address of Architect.

1.c.i) No. and date of Issue of License.

2.a) Is the plot affected by any reservations or road lines? [Y/N]

3.a) What is the Total Area of the Plot according to the Document?

3.b) Does it tally with the Revenue / CTS Record? [Y/N]

3.c) What is the actual area available on-site measured by Surveyor / Architect?

3.d) Is there any deduction in the original area of the plot on account of road lines or reservations? Please, state the total area of such deductions.

3.e) If so, what is the net area? [Basically, (3.c) – (3.d)]

The permission shall be based on the area whichever is the minimum. Also, the above details shall be mentioned on the building plan submitted for approval.

4) Are all plans required under Regulation No. 6.2 enclosed?

[ BPMS Portal has an Info Option for this. To understand this type of question, you should download and read those two acts, of 1966 and 1965. Since the rules keep changing, try to find the recent-most revisions of these acts, as per your current year. You can download the said acts, at the end of this blog post. Relevant Versions / Amendments rely on the periodic reviews by the authorities. ]

5.a) Is the plot of? [ Dropdown List. e.g. 'City Triangulation Survey Number' ]

5.b) Please, state the Sanction Number and Date of Sub-division / Layout.

6.a) In what zone does the plot fall? [ Dropdown List ]

6.b) What is the permissible FSI (Floor Space Index) of the zone?

7.a) Is the use of every room in the proposed work marked on the plan? [Y/N]

7.b) Is it in accordance with the regulations? [Y/N]

7.c) Does the use of the building, fall in the category of special types of buildings like? [Y/N]

If yes, select the category of special types of buildings. [ Dropdown List ]

Step 3 | Building Details (continued)

8) If the work is in connection with an industry: [Y/N]

8.a) Please describe the main and accessory process.

8.b) Please, state the maximum number of work-persons. And mention the total horsepower likely to be employed per shift in the factory.

8.c) Is the proposal for relocation of an existing industry. [Y/N]

If so, give the name and address of the existing industry.

8.d) Will the building be 23m away from the boundary of the residential or commercial zone?

8.e.i) Nature of Industrial Waste / Effluents.

8.e.ii) Quantum of Industrial Waste / Effluents.

8.e.iii) Method of Disposal.

9.a) What is the average? [e.g. 12 (Avg. Plinth?)]

9.a.i) Prescribed width of road on which the plot is fronting.

No. of Streets.

9.a.ii) Existing width of the street. (If the plot abuts on two or more streets, the above information in respect of all streets should be given.)

Enter the No. of Streets, Width and Location (Left or Rear) of the same.

9.b) What is the Plinth Area and Total Floor Area of the proposed work? (Please, give details confirming to the plan submitted.)

This is a 'Form of Statement 2 [Sr.No. 10 (b)] Proposed Building' table. You add the details such as,

  • Building Number
  • No. of Floor(s)
  • Plinth Area [ e.g. 12 ]
  • Total Floor Area of Proposed Work
  • Use / Occupancy of Floors [ e.g. Self ]

Item no. 10 (a) and sub-items are not present or visible. Still, let's mention (11.a).

11.a) Please, state the Plinth Area and Total Floor Area, existing and proposed (Total of item 10.a.iii and 10.b)

11.b) Please, state the overall FSI. (Item 11.a divided by item 3.e)

11.c) Does the work consume the full FSI of the plot, as given in item 6.b ? [Y/N]

11.d) Is the building proposed with setbacks on upper floors? [Y/N]

12.a) What is the width of the front open space?

If the building abuts with two or more streets, does the front open space comply with the regulations? [Y/N]

12.b) Please state which of the following rule is applicable for the front open spaces: Chapter IV? Does the front open space comply with the rule? [Y/N]

Step 4 | Building Details (continued)

13.a) What is:

    13.a.i) the width of the side open space(s)?

    13.a.ii) the width of the rear open space(s)?

    13.a.iii) the distance between the buildings?

13.b) Are there two or more wings to the buildings? [Y/N]

No. of Wings.

14.a) What are the dimensions of the inner and outer chowk?

14.b.i) Is / are room(s) dependent for its / their lights and ventilation on the chowk? [Y/N]

If so, are the dimensions of the chowk as required for each wing of the building? [Y/N]

14.b.ii) If not, is the area equal as per Regulation No. 15.2? [Y/N]

15) If the height of the building is more than 14m above the average ground level, is provision for lifts made? [Y/N]

15.a) If so, give details of lift.

  • Type of Life
  • Passenger Capacity
  • No. of Lifts
  • Type of doors

15.b) Details of the Fire Lift. (Similar format.)

16.a) Does the building fall under the purview of Regulation [Y/N]

16.b) If so, does the proposed Fire Protection Requirements conform to part V?

16.c) If not, give reasons for non-conformity.

17.a.i) What are the requirements of the Parking Spaces under the Regulation?

17.a.ii) How many are proposed?

17.b.i) Are loading-unloading spaces necessary? [Y/N]

17.b.ii) If so, what is the requirement?

17.b.iii) How many are proposed?

18.a.i) What are the maximum widths of the balconies?

18.a.ii) Will they reduce the required open spaces to less than the provisions of the Regulations? [Y/N]

18.a.iii) Do they serve as a passage to any part of the building? [Y/N]

18.a.iv) What is their total area?

18.b) What is the maximum width of:

  • the Weather Frames?
  • Sunshades (Chajja)?
  • Cornice?
  • Eaves?
  • Other Projection?

18.c.i) Are any porches / canopies proposed? [Y/N]

18.c.ii) Are they in compliance with the Regulation No. 15.4.1(b)? [Y/N]

Step 5 | Building Details (continued)

19.a) What is the width of the means of access?

19.b) Will it be paved, drained & kept free of encroachment (intrusion)? [Y/N]

20) Is recreational or amenity open space provided as required under Regulation No. 13.3 & 13.3.11? [Y/N]

20.a) Are any accessory buildings proposed? [Y/N]

If so, for what purpose?

  • Buildings proposed
  • Purpose of the buildings

20.b) What are their heights?

20.c) Are they 7.5m away from the street or front 1.5 from other boundary? [Y/N, twice]

20.d) Is their area calculated in FSI? [Y/N]

21.a) What is the proposed height of the compound/boundary wall?

Is it as a junction?

21.b) Is it in compliance with Regulation No. 17.16? [Y/N]

22.a) Is the proposal in the Airport Zone? [Y/N]

22.b) Is a 'No Objection Certificate' for Height obtained? [Y/N]

23) Does the proposal fall in any of the Restricted Zones? [Y/N]

24.a) Does any Natural Water Source pass through the Land Under Development? [Y/N]

24.b) Is necessary setback provided as per Regulation No. 11.1 (b)? [Y/N]

25) Is the Plinth Level proposed to be above the level of the surrounding Ground Level? [Y/N]

26) The details of the Materials to be used in Construction with Specification, are as below:

  • Roofs
  • Floors
  • Walls
  • Columns

As with the earlier list, you can use 'ADD' button to insert more items.

27) The number of:

  • Water Closets
  • Urinals
  • Kitchens
  • Washbasins
  • Baths

In this case, details of Pre-Existing Objects and newly Proposed Objects can be highlighted.

28) Details of the Source of Water to be used in the construction.

29) Distance from the Sewer.

30) How much Municipal Land will be used for Stacking the building material?

31) Does the Proposal comply? [Y/N]

32) Please, explain in detail, in what respect the proposal does not comply, with the Development Control Regulations, and the reasons therefor. Attach a separate sheet for the same, if necessary.

33) Premium-A FSI (Area

34) Enclose Balcony (

35) Terrace (

36) Construction Type. [e.g. RCC, Dropdown List]

Finally, you can Save Draft or Submit these details. After this, you can 'Create Proposal' and start the Permission-seeking attempts. For the full workflow details, check the following Additional Resources. Also, remember that the Rules, Laws and even the Major Websites keep changing.

This blog post is purely for becoming familiar with Project Approval considerations. Again, don't forget to study the TP Client Manual from the following Resources. It has guidelines about the Building Drawing Formats and related BIM (Building Information Management System) workflows.

Additional Resources:

As of February 1, 2020, you can visit the BPMS (Maharashtra) portal on the following URL address:

Also, the User Manual can be downloaded from this link:

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